Ben Coumans est titulaire d'un Master en droit de l'Université de Louvain et d'un MBA en General Management de la Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School.
Ben a rejoint Ageas en octobre 2014 en tant que Directeur Stratégie et Développement. En 2018, il devient Directeur Groupe M&A et en 2021 Directeur Groupe Stratégie et M&A.
Ben a débuté sa carrière professionnelle chez Fortis, où il est devenu directeur du développement et des acquisitions de Fortis Retail Banking en 2006. En 2008, il a rejoint la banque d'investissement Leonardo & Co en tant que directeur, puis directeur général, après quoi il a rejoint Ageas.
Depuis le 1er mars 2024, Ben est nommé directeur général Europe.
Mandats et fonctions exercés
Managing Director Europe
Member of the Executive Committee of ageas SA/NV
2024 – Present
Other mandates within Ageas
Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Ageas Portugal Holdings SGPS, S.A.
Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Ageas Portugal Companhia de Seguros, S.A.
Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Medis – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Saude, S.A.
Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Ageas Portugal - Companhia de Seguros de Vida, S.A.
Non-Executive member of Millenium bcp Ageas Grupo Segurador, SGPS, S.A. (JV)
Non-Executive member of Ageas – Sociedade Gestora de Fundos de Pensoes, S.A. (JV)
Non-Executive member of Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida, S.A. (JV)
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Aksigorta, S.A.
Vice-Chairman of the Board of AgeSA, S.A.
Vice-Chairman of the Board of MediSA, S.A.
Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Ageas Insurance Limited
Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Ageas (UK) Limited
Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Ageas Retail Limited
Positions held with other listed companies
Other positions held
Non-Executive Independent Board Director of VDK Bank